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Politique de Cookies

Information Relating To Our Use of Cookies

Notre principal usage des cookies est l’amélioration de CouponsArena. En continuant à utiliser notre site, vous acceptez nos termes et conditions ainsi que notre politique de cookies.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are a tiny piece of information that comes in the form of a text file through our website into an internet user’s computer for remembering who you are. These come in use by almost every primary webpage.

Sécurité et confidentialité

We use cookies on our platform and ensure that our webpage will not leak any of your information.

Registration And Subscription

To ensure you have a great experience while subscribing, we use cookies to confirm the steps you go through.

Personnalisation des clients

CouponsArena utilises cookies to identify your behaviour and estimate your purchasing choices.

Statistiques et analyses

We utilise cookies to identify our users and know their location details, helping us improve CouponsArena.

Partage de cookies tiers

We deal with different third-party cookies that help provide customised details and advertisements.